To access the boat club you must:
Not be in self-isolation and not required to shield.
Not be displaying COVID-19 symptoms.
Have a pre-booked launch time .
Not be displaying COVID-19 symptoms.
Have a pre-booked launch time .
Booking and arrival at the club:
- Book your launch time here
Get dressed for boating at home, swap shoes etc at your car/outside. No changing at the club
Go to the loo and wash your hands at home, so you don’t have to use the toilets at the club.
Bring your own pen to sign out your boats and washing up gloves for cleaning.
There is ample parking at the conservative club to allow for social distancing.
Bring your own buoyancy aid and spray deck as there are none available at the club.
What do I need to do at the club?
If you are a large household group, get everyone to wait by the shore, while two of you get boats out.
Use the alcohol hand gel before touching door locks.
Wash your hands with hot water and soap for at least 20 seconds before touching any kit.
Take the boats and paddles you will use outside
Clean any parts, other members might a have touched with the antiviral spray. spray/wipe on leave for 5 min and then wipe.
Sign out your boat as usual with your pen and go boating!
If you need to use toilets at the club, please use the upstairs toilets as there is more space.
Use the alcohol hand gel before touching door locks.
Wash your hands with hot water and soap for at least 20 seconds before touching any kit.
Take the boats and paddles you will use outside
Clean any parts, other members might a have touched with the antiviral spray. spray/wipe on leave for 5 min and then wipe.
Sign out your boat as usual with your pen and go boating!
If you need to use toilets at the club, please use the upstairs toilets as there is more space.
What should I do on the water?
Please respect social distancing
Only do things that are well within your comfort zone, don’t put other people at risk by needing to be rescued.
If you would like to have a picnic or a drink, do this while you are out on the water, not at the club.
Have fun ;-)
Only do things that are well within your comfort zone, don’t put other people at risk by needing to be rescued.
If you would like to have a picnic or a drink, do this while you are out on the water, not at the club.
Have fun ;-)
What should I do when I get back to the club?
Members launching have priority
Please wait on the shore or the water until the boat house is empty and the other group have launched.
Clean any parts you have touched with the antiviral spray, spray/wipe on leave for 5 min and then wipe off.
Then take the boats and paddles you have used back in
Wash your hands with hot water and soap for 20 seconds.
Please wait on the shore or the water until the boat house is empty and the other group have launched.
Clean any parts you have touched with the antiviral spray, spray/wipe on leave for 5 min and then wipe off.
Then take the boats and paddles you have used back in
Wash your hands with hot water and soap for 20 seconds.